AUTHENTIC POSITIVITY SYSTEM - PART 1 VIDEO CONTENTS Everything is energy. It's the Mind's job to construct that energy into an identity we experience ourselves as (15:40) Our body is defined by a collective agreement of what it is to have a body, and is the "edge" of our identities (18:43) We are trained to resist what is outside of us, and our emotions within us, especially our survival emotions (20:30) The subtle system of resistance in the body (22:18) Exercise: Guided release of subtle system of resistance in the body (25:13) A resistance free body, allows more of your soul consciousness and power to become "embodied". (50:18) BREAK (54:12) The people in our lives are "characters in our play" that help to trigger our unconscious resevoirs of energy (58:28) Exercise: Dropping resistance to someone, with a lot of charge, to integrate energy (1:06:14) The power of Love and Acceptance to short circuit the psychological mind and unleash unlimited core power (1:15:47) Finding the energetic quality of strong force emotions (1:17:15) Exercise: Integrating the energy of strong force emotions (1:19:57) The Circle of Light Energy Meditation (1:31:15) Things to focus on (2:02:48) SUPPORT AUDIO WRITTEN MATERIAL 13 WEEK e-COURSE If you've enjoyed this you're going to LOVE Part 2, where I reveal one of the simplest, most effective Tools we've ever developed at Circle Evolution. We use this regularly to shift the densest levels of resistance that seed most chronic physical and life conditions and on "less serious" issues it works lightning fast to clear blockages. Follow along with the video any time your experiencing major resistance release. Got questions about any of the material shared, or want to start a discussion. Head to our private Circle Evolution Authentic Positivity Facebook page and start a thread. I'll be providing all support there.