WATCH THIS I help Spiritually Awakened people overcome their
BIGGEST PROBLEM. Aren't you sick of those shenanigans already?
A MONTH OF PEACE - LISTEN TO THE REPLAYS At this time of both great instability and transformation be part of a movement to hold a deep and powerful intention for Peace. By listening to the 5 Circle of Light transmissions delivered during a Month of Peace you can assist in amplifying this powerful intention. INTRODUCING - SPREAD YOUR THIRD EYE PODCAST Produced and hosted by Mia Reitz Spread Your Third Eye is an ongoing dialogue with myself and the Circle of Light, as well as other guest speakers on everything consciousness. It's a wonderful way to get a handle on the major teachings we offer and also experience new streams of information brought forth by special guests invited to sit in the Hot Seat and interview the Circle of Light on the subjects that are of interest to them. BE HELD IN THE LIVE CRUCIBLE OF EXPANSION OUR ONGOING PROGRAM TO SUPPORT ALL ON THE AWAKENING PATHWAY These are not interactive sessions but rather an opportunity for you to deeply receive and immerse in the Circle of Lights consciousness. No two calls are the same but every call will be for you!
CIRCLE EVOLUTION UNIVERSITY Circle Evolution University is the home of our transformational programs, boot camps and collaborations with other luminaries in their field. Here we have accumulated and synergized the wisdom and advanced understanding of consciousness that the Circle of Light have shared with us into tools that will viscerally transform your life into the experience you are worthy and deserving of already:
NEW TO CIRCLE EVOLUTION? DISCOVER THE PATH TO MASTERY GIFT BAG The Path to Mastery Gift Bag program is both a beautiful entry point to the most paradigm shifting teachings the Circle of Light have gifted us with and an ongoing journey of guidance through the latest important information, energy atttunements and tools. The one time entry grants LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP to the Permanent and Annual Gift collection PLUS access to new rotating gifts every month. It gives you an opportunity to experience, with no additional cost some of our Heart Beat programs and offerings whilsta assisting you to build a foundation of Mastery practices that will make the more advanced teachings and transmissions more accessible and easily integrated. This is perfect for you if you are:
Once you gain entry you continue to receive all the benefits of the progam with no additional payments or monthly subscriptions. There are 3 ways to gain access to this program:
WATCH ON GAIA.TV's "INTERVIEW WITH E.D." COMING OUT OF THE COSMIC CLOSET PODCAST ABOUT CIRCLE EVOLUTION Tired of life failing to meet the expectations of your dreams?
Stuck in bad relationship, finance or health issues? Frustrated by feeling your potential go to waste? Scared to go after the things you really want? Sick of efforting and never getting? Hurt, lost or heartbroken? So many people give up on themselves. They allow their dreams, creativity and vision to be crushed, ignored, dismissed and sabotaged, content to stay trapped in what they "know", even if what they "know" is making them miserable, lonely, bored or even physically ill. They accept substandard work conditions, unsatisfying relationships or fail to take the actions and steps to move towards the things they really want - creative, financial, physical or emotional goals.
They allow the resistance and limitation of their minds, their belief structures and conditioning, to win over the power of their true self. But the fact that you have arrived here shows that, no matter what you have been through, or where you are at, you still hear that deep inner voice of your true self calling you to - WAKE UP! It's time to fully dissolve the illusion of fear, pain, uncertainty and doubt that is holding you back, and start manifesting from your real place of power. Whether consciously you have been seeking it, or unconsciously you have been drawn to it, you have arrived at a junction on your pathway. Whether you have tried a lot of things like therapy, coaching, law of attraction techniques or affirmations, or you have just begun your journey to mastery, you have arrived at the place where it all comes together. This is the doorway, the place where you meet your true self and start living the life you want. ARE YOU READY TO STEP THROUGH IT?
Are you ready to have the courage,
energy and confidence to attain your goals? Are you ready to live in the "unknown", a place where love, success and abundance actually coexist? Are you ready to become the great LEADER, VISIONARY, HEALER, ARTIST, ATHLETE or ENTREPRENEUR you really are?
Are you ready to let go of the limitations of the mind and to live in the MASTERY of your TRUE SELF? Do you want to be part of a community supporting the
EVOLUTIONARY SHIFT OF THE PLANET? The work is facilitated by conscious channel, Georgia Jean and her non-physical partners, the Circle of Light.
FREE MEMBERSHIP JOIN THE EVOLUTION REVOLUTION Receive my free report which reveals the Number 1 reason why your bad ass, spiritually evolved self is STILL stuck on that INFURIATING, FRUSTRATING problem. YOU DESERVE IT NOW!
WHAT WE DO We recognize that big dreams are BIG! Be it success in love, career, creativity or well being, we know it takes that special something extra to transform life from the mundane into the magical.
Some might call it luck. Some might call it an edge. We call it the power of the unlocked soul, your true self, your FULL POTENTIAL. At CIRCLE EVOLUTION we use the most innovative and cutting edge energetic, intuitive, mind/body techniques to facilitate the activation of your FULL POTENTIAL, dissolving the fears of the mind and allowing the power of your soul to manifest through you... SO YOU CAN ACHIEVE YOUR DREAMS Many of these techniques you will not find anywhere else. They have been developed with the deepest understanding of the unconscious mind/body connection, quantum energy projection, the influence of the nervous system and "primitive mind" centers, the human energy field and its programming on a genetic, hereditary and collective memory levels.
Where most other modalities end we begin The work is facilitated by conscious channel, Georgia Jean and her non-physical partners, the COL. To help us determine which of our services is best suited for you
During this time we will make an honest assessment of whether we can be of service to you and if not we will make recommendations of what might be a better match. Let us guide you through the door.
Come meet with your true self! |