Permanent Gifts GEORGIA'S DAILY LOVE AND ACCEPTANCE PRACTICE - A video guide to using the Core Circle Evolution Love and Acceptance Practice WRITTEN VERSION OF THE LOVE AND ACCEPTANCE PRACTICE HEART CENTERING PRACTICE - A video guide to anchoring in the Heart Center to activate the creation of the Divine Heart Blueprint DEANCHORING PRACTICE - A video guide to this important step to fully moving into the joy of Heart Centered 5D Creation and leaving all the old struggle stories goodbye! PHYSICAL SENSE ANCHORING INTO THE NOW MOMENT - This Now Moment practice uses anchoring with the 5 physical senses to create an optimal state to welcome more physical manifestation in. Become free of the psychological distractions of the Mind and receive more. PIVOTING EMOTIONALLY USING THE WITNESS - Learn how to have emotional Mastery over your perception and experience of life in order to align with the new Higher timelines available generated by the Heart's Blueprint. YOUR NEW TREE OF LIFE - Learn a specific exercise to deeply establish new core (tree trunk) alignments that you may not have experienced fully in this life time such as safety, love, success, abundance. A powerful process for reinvention. | November Rotating Gifts MANIFESTING FINANCIAL FREEDOM ACTIVATION AND ALIGNMENT Many people live in a cage of limitation that is generated by their conscious and unconscious belief structures around money and abundance. CIRCLE OF LIGHT POWER RECORDING CIRCLE EVOLUTION UNIVERSITY $20 OFF COUPON Annual Gifts ANNUAL READING FOR THE COLLECTIVE - Get a picture of the year ahead so you can organize your focus. STATE OF THE UNION - DIVINE MASCULINE AND FEMININE ENERGY RELATIONSHIP READING |
SCORE A PAY-WHAT-YOU-CAN GIFT BAG Periodically I'll release a certain number of Gift Bags in the PAY-WHAT-YOU-CAN format. This means you could pay as little as zero to as much as you want. For every $33 received in the PWYC format I'll add 1 more Gift Bag to the community so more people in the Circle Evolution Energy Network can share in the program, especially those on limited and fixed income, or going through current hardships. If you see the Pay-What-You-Can sales page your in luck. If you see our regular $99 sale page you'll have to wait for the next PWYC release. STAY TUNED ON MY EMAIL LIST FOR ANNOUNCEMENTS OF WHEN THE PAY-WHAT-YOU-CAN GIFT BAGS ARE AVAILABLE. If you are not on my email list already register below now. BUY THE GIFT BAG RIGHT MEOW!
GET IT AS A FREE BONUS - CLEARING THE EXISTENCE TEMPLATES - FULL MENTORSHIP Clearing the Existence Templates - Dissolve the densest and most restrictive energetic frameworks (unsupportive belief structures, imprints and programs) that influence your entire reality. Existence Templates are imprinted by the massive energetic shift felt on incarnation and through the early stages of childhood programming. As you go from being infinitely expansively free, in full union and connection with Source supply, to being "trapped" in a tiny baby's body, completely dependent on a limited single source provider (your parents) there is a dramatic shift in your sense of creative power. Becoming free of of this initial imprints will change the entire scope of your Existence This is perfect if you're:
ONE-ON-ONE SESSIONS AND PROGRAM BONUS You also now receive the Gift Bag as a Bonus with any: JOIN THE EVOLUTION REVOLUTION GET NOTICE FOR OUR GIFT BAG RELEASES! And receive my free report which reveals the Number 1 reason why your bad ass, spiritually evolved self is STILL stuck on that INFURIATING, FRUSTRATING problem. YOU DESERVE IT NOW!