The Circle of Light and I are hitting the road to activate some vortexes, and connect with those who are here assisting the evolutionary shift of consciousness on the planet. Heart Blueprint Tours events, are directed by my Heart, they may be small, they may be large, private or public. Please join my email list to stay in touch with how the tour is unfolding, and if you are interested in becoming a co-host or facilitator, drop me a line. JOIN MY EMAIL LIST FOR THE LATEST UPDATES AND OTHER SPECIAL GIFTS FROM THE CIRCLE OF LIGHT UNDERSTANDING CODES OF CREATION with THE CIRCLE OF LIGHT This is a shorter 2 hour program that is an introduction to ACCESSING THE CODES OF CREATION full day event. Myself and the Circle of Light will provide insight on what the Codes of Creation are and attunements that prepare you for the full physical integration of the Codes of Creation that will produce/manifest what lies within you Heart Blueprint. You’ll also have the chance to ask questions of The Circle of Light, a non-physical collective, channeled by myself, featured on Gaia TV’s “Interview with E.D. (Extra-Dimensionals)”, and “Coming Out of the Cosmic Closet”, here supporting the planets evolutionary shift. The are no pre-requisites for this event although listening to the pre-recorded Heart Blueprint Activation (see below) is recommended so the principles of Heart Centering are understood. ACCESSING THE CODES OF CREATION with THE CIRCLE OF LIGHT
Please pay in advance to secure your spot. This is a full day advanced attunement, that accesses a "next level", "physical manifestation" ability, through deep "re-anchoring" with the Earth energy in order to access the "Codes of Creation" {the intelligence that generates everything that is physical on earth}. More than just "grounding", this could be considered a "re-birth", where you "opt-out", of the old egoic "Illusions of Creation", and "opt-in", to receiving direct mentorship from the Earth Consciousness, on how to create here. A very powerful event for those who struggle with “being here”, physical manifestation and “Ascension Symptoms”. Or who identify with being “Galactic Hybrids”. Because we will activate some MAJOR energetic frameworks, an understanding of how to integrate egoic energy AND anchor in the Heart is important for ease full integration of this attunement. Therefore I have these QUALIFYING PRE-REQUISITES (any of these) Please wear comfortable clothes, and bring pillows and mats to lay on. $200 - PURCHASE YOUR TICKET FOR ALL CODES OF CREATION EVENTS HERE HEART BLUEPRINT ACTIVATION and Q &A with THE CIRCLE OF LIGHT One of THE MOST IMPORTANT things to focus on right now, as we go through this shift in consciousness, is to Anchor firmly in the Heart Centered, ALL OF THE TIME. This not only reduces the mayhem of "polarity based Mind manifestations", which are amplifying with the acceleration of energies, (HELLO all the pandemic storylines), it all gives us access to some pretty powerful manifestational forces {The Heart Blueprint, Master Consciousness, and Codes of Creation). This event will help deepen your understanding of the significance of this process and ENERGIZE the Heart Center, so it becomes easier and easier to anchor there. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions directly of the Circle of Light. Your donation secures your reservation and you will receive an email with instructions to your Paypal account email. PRE-RECORDED HEART BLUEPRINT ACTIVATION and Q &A with THE CIRCLE OF LIGHT This pre-recorded Heart Blueprint Activation from our event in Cincinatti, is available by suggested donation of $20, and can be used as a pre-requisite, energetic preparation, to attend the Accessing the Codes of Creation events, or any others requiring this as a pre-requisite. The information, and attunements shared in this recording will facilitate a more easeful integration of material covered in these bigger events, where a lot of energy gets moved. Upon donation, you'll receive the recording via email INTEGRATING THE MASTER CONSCIOUSNESS WHAT IS THE MASTER CONSCIOUSNESS? THIS IS THE MASTER CONSCIOUSNESS The Circle of Light will take you through an energetic process to integrate your Master Consciousness. This gives you the ability to "Transcend the Illusion of the Mind", by surrendering the ego's "Little Me" limited perspective, to the Master Consciousness, in orer to gain access to the creative power of All That Is. Both life and world changing. PUBLIC SPEAKING AND GROUP ENGAGEMENTS I am available for HEALING AND MANIFESTATION WORKSHOPS. Have the CIRCLE OF LIGHT lead you in transformational group work, clearing out the old and dynamically creating new intentions through sound, movement, guided meditations and focus setting exercises and rituals. These are extremely powerful experiences as the collective energy of the group amplifies the transformational energy available. I am also available for GROUP CHANNELING and PUBLIC SPEAKING. My extensive stand up comedy experience gives me the unique ability to communicate metaphysical teachings and healing principles in a way that is funny and accessible. If you are looking for and event that is informative, entertaining and uplifting consider a Q & A with myself and THE CIRCLE OF LIGHT. My ability to bring laughter and their ability to illuminate a room with their broader perspective, wisdom and love makes for a wonderful, unique occasion...Perfect for women's groups, recovery programs, mind/body/soul events, spa/resort/retreat events and spiritually orientated get-togethers. CALL (323) 243 6323 for a FREE CONSULTATION on event planning. |