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A really juicy discussion just released by Reuben Langdon of Interview with ED. Filmed in his membership portal October 9 2022, Reuben's questions help us paint the picture of the journey of this Evolutionary Shift and why Heart Centering is so vital to bringing the peace and expansion we are seeking personally and collectively.

A great interview with the E.T. Whisperer Rob Gauthier where he lead us through a bit more of my story of origin with reflections on early connections to the Christ Consciousness energy and Heart Centering through the Catholic religion and the journey to separate spirituality and connection to Divine Source from religious dogma (control of access to Divine Source). Rob also does a fun lightening round at the end. This one only feature me talking.

An interview with Alan Steinfeld of New Realities with the host and participant channelers of the Sedona Transcendence Retreat, Suzanne Ross, Cendrine and Rob Gauthier. This interview contains both human and channeled transmissions and the Circle of Light section emphasizes the concept of being a focal point creator and why using the Heart Center to shift bandwidths and get into your new reality is so key.

This interview was recorded in preparation of the Sedona Transcendence Retreat and features the 3 channelers that appeared in the Galactic Round table myself, Cendrine and Rob Gauthier with Reuben Langdon hosting and event creator Suzanne Ross.

And a more intimate interview with Suzanne Ross and fellow channeler Cendrine


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