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My journey into metaphysics began at the age of fifteen when I was given a book on palmistry. This quickly evolved into a fascination with astrology, tarot and anything that could help me understand "why we are the way we are." 

At twenty, I was introduced to the incredible benefits of transcendental meditation, which began my lifelong love and practice of meditation techniques.

As a student of fine art at the National Art School of Australia, I had my first experiences with really being tapped into "the zone", the space of the "no mind", where pure creative energy flowed through me, unfettered by doubt, limitation or fear.

I believe my ability to channel energy through my hands was first initiated through painting.

In 1997 the opening of my verbal channeling centers began when I commenced my career as a stand-up comic.


Yes, I was a professional comedian for 11 years and my name, one of only 500, is painted alongside the names of many greats on the walls of World Famous Comedy Store on Sunset Blvd, Hollywood. 

This was an honour I earned with blood, sweat and plenty of tears :)

Too many. Wasn't the comedy world supposed to be fun after all?

The incredibly demanding, seemingly random, and highly competitive entertainment industry challenged me tremendously, as it defied everything I’d learned about how the world should function: in entertainment, hard work did not always lead to success.

This was an often painful and "mind blowing" experience. What I would come to understand to be one of my many spiritual initiations.

The modern day mystic no longer visits the mountain to meditate. The temple of everyday life is where we all attain our wisdom.

I learned I would have to do deeper internal work to see success manifest on the outside. I needed to find that edge, which I later discovered was really the power of my awakened soul.

After an intensive period of personal evolution in all areas of my life—mental, physical, emotional and spiritual—my gift as a trance channel medium spontaneously emerged in 2004.

I began to channel a group of nonphysical entities made up of angels, guides and Ascended Masters who called themselves the Circle of Light, and their appearance changed my life.

Since the beginning of my relationship with the Circle, they’ve guided me constantly to expand my knowledge, experience and understanding in a broad range of fields, including remote healing, the human energy field, the chakra system, vibrational sound healing, hypnosis, psychology, creative visualization, and crystal healing.

Over the last fifteen years channeling the Circle of Light, I’ve been blessed with many wonderful teachers, both physical and nonphysical. I include my beloved clients in this crew.

In 2007, I completed an incredible year-long training with internationally renowned healer Lynette Hunter and received certification as a Sacred Medicine Energy Worker.

I continue to train and study in  the latest cutting edge "energy technologies" such as Access Consciousness - The Bars, and EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique, as well as developing our own super efficient energy alchemy modalities such as RAAR - Resistance Activation and Release, and Seed Point Memory Clearing.

On July 23, 2011 another major event occured. I picked up the hula hoop for the first time and my life changed once again.

Discovering that this playful, creative, joyous form of exercise also had some powerful healing properties, I began to explore this as a tool to assist reprogramming one of the most challenging aspects of the body/mind, the nervous system. A place where much trauma resides and the most resistance to change exists. And so Hoop Alchemy was born.

In 2014 I undertook teacher training with world leaders in the hoop movement, Anah Reichenbach of Hoop Revolution and Shakti Sunfire of One Hoop One Love bringing this expansion to Circle Evolution.

Then in May 2015, following my Awaken Mastery Retreat a whole new adventure opened up when I discovered skydiving.

After years of working to understand how to overcome the programming of the nervous system, I put myself through a master course. I gained my skydiving licence even after I was told I was probably one of the people in the world who could not do it. 

I now have over 500 jumps and counting, and was inspired to start another speciality Extreme Sports Recovery to support the special challenges of  athlete's in high adrenaline fields.

As a channel my book, "The Circle of Light and the Philosopher - Another Magnificent Day - Keys for Unlocking the Soul's Potential", co-authored by Jefferson Viscardi PhD, is an Amazon Number 1 Best Seller.


I've also been featured on ABC’s Nightline: Beyond Belief and in the New York Times.

Learn my full story in my podcast - Coming Out of the Cosmic Closet - for tales of all these adventures and more.

Please join my email list and visit my blog as sharing the information I have been fortunate enough to learn along this journey is an important part of my work.

It is my joy and honour to support you on your journey of Soul Awakening.


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Twitter : @circleevolution

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Instagram : @circleevolution and @comingoutofcosmiccloset




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" (and Them) have helped me SOOOOO much in my daily life. SO much. I have learned so much and am now more confident, relaxed, and positively in control of my life -- all thanks to the work I've done with you."

Summer, Los Angeles