This monthly program includes: 4 one on one phone or skype sessions with Georgia and The Circle of Light Subscription to Monday Night Awakening conference call program. Inclusion in the Circular Healing Program Subscription to the Activation Gateway Downloadable copy of “The Circle of Light and the Philosopher – Another Magnificent Day – Keys for Unlocking the Soul’s Potential” $900 a month or $2400 for 3 months with 3 month commitment required for best results. Working with Georgia and the Circle of Light is a true blessing. I had been challenged with back pain for over a year before I began working with them. I had been to see a chiropractor, an acupuncturist, had several massages and did yoga every day. Although I would feel temporary relief from the other modalities, it was only when I began to work with Georgia and the Circle of Light that my back fully healed. I know that it is due to the deep work in consciousness along with the high vibrational frequency of the Circle that contributed to this healing experience. Over the 3 month period, I felt the pain subside and finally go along with a lot of emotional baggage and old beliefs that served me no longer. It was such a gift, that I decided to keep working with them just to stay in the energy. Their collective wisdom and loving is truly miraculous!
S. Teiger, Los Angeles - Chronic Physical Conditions Package I've had chronic digestive problems for most of my life and after having a highly stressful year it flared up more often than usual. My sessions with Georgia have helped my stress level become more managable and since beginning 4 months ago I haven't had a problem. Please read more testimonials here. I have a limited number of spots available for this program. If you are interested please CALL: (323) 243 6323 |