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Monday Night Awakening Conference Calls are set for 9pm ET USA.

Check the time in your area here

Please be aware that things like Daylight savings in your country or the United States may affect these times. I recommend setting any calendar appointments in your phone to 9pm New York (ET USA) so your phone will automatically adjust for Daylight Saving timezone changes  

You can attend the meeting via telephone. Or through the online meeting.


Dial-in number (US): (425) 436-6200
Access code: 544973#
International dial-in numbers:


If you are using webinar please make note of the wall password. You will need it to access the online meeting at the beginning.

Wall password: woowoowednesday
Online meeting ID: georgia919
Join the online meeting:

If you have difficulties with the accesing through the webinar portal, you can try re-entering a couple of times, or look for a loal access number in the international numbers above.

Monday Night Awakening is an audio only experience. There is no video so you won't miss out on anything if you just dial in.


During the calls I will be channeling my guides, THE CIRCLE OF LIGHT who are a collective of ANGEL, ASCENDED MASTER and HEALING energies. If that is a challenge for you mentally you can also perceive it as me channeling my higher self.

After a short introduction I will "bring them in" and they will be conducting the session.

During the session there will be different aspects of the experience and I thought I would go over them briefly.

PLACING YOUR ATTENTION - You may be asked to place your attention, put your presence in, or focus your attention on a certain part of your body, simply concentrate on that area. If you have trouble with this just know that intention is the most important thing so just having the intention to do so is enough.

GUIDED VISUALIZATION - You may be asked to visualize certain things including colors, symbols, images etc. If you are not great at this, don't worry, again, intention is the most important thing.

ACTIVATE MEMORIES OR OTHER EXPERIENCES - You may be asked to activate thoughts, feelings, beliefs about certain areas of your life. Even if you struggle with this, the intention to do so will activate these things in your energy field including what could be in the unconscious and primitive minds. Since we often work with very early memories and past life energy, you may well have no conscious memories of these things.

SILENCE - During these meditations there are often long periods of silence. What is actually said by the guides only makes up about 10% of what is actually going on during the calls. During periods of silence the CIRCLE OF LIGHT will be focused heavily in the energy fields of the participants. Even if you can't FEEL this happening, trust me, there is ALOT going on.

TONING – Sometimes I will begin toning or humming during these calls. This is a form of vibrational healing and is used to release blocked energy and to reconfigure the energy field. If you want you can also tone during the calls to facilitate your own shifts or you can simply listen. It's fine either way.

ALLOWING - Because in this work we are dissolving belief structures held by the mind or ego it may become very agitated as a defense mechanism to this work. This could arise in the form of a lot of mental chatter including disbelief in the experience, shopping lists, things to do etc. One of the easiest ways to handle this is to simply acknowledge it and allow whatever is happening to happen without judgment. You might also experience physical discomfort, the desire to wriggle, or perhaps get distracted by outside noises and movement etc. so we want you to know that WHATEVER IS HAPPENING IS FINE, the work is still working because of your intention to participate. Don't try and fight the distraction. Instead, just use our beloved mantra " I love and accept the part of me that........" and fill in the blank with whatever you are experiencing e.g. "I love and accept the part of me that wants to wriggle around"

DIFFERENT STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS - Everybody has different levels or depths of relaxation they can achieve during the calls, some people remain completely alert during the calls, some go into a deep meditative state and some even fall asleep. What ever happens is fine. Try to not have expectations about what the experience should be like. If you are falling asleep don't get caught up on following the words. THE CIRCLE OF LIGHT'S energy may be taking you very deep so they can work with you "beyond mind".

FEELING ENERGY - Some people will feel the energy of THE CIRCLE OF LIGHT, some people won't. This doesn't mean it is or isn't working better for you or not. It simply means that some people are more open in the chakras and other sensory preceptors that recognize and translate this experience to your mind. Often, over time with working with THE CIRCLE OF LIGHT, people begin to perceive more and more of there energy as the immersion in their energy can open these receptors more fully.

INTEGRATION - Integration of this work will happened over a period of time. Because we are releasing long blocked emotion and shifting deep held beliefs this may happening slowly over a few months or it may happen more rapidly. Try not to judge the experience based on how you feel the next day or even the next week. Often there might be an upsurge in emotional energy after these experiences such as crying or feelings of anger etc. that you don't know where it's coming from. Just realize that this is old stuff coming to the surface to be let go of and allow it to happen with a kind of neutral observation. Your system is simply letting go.

AFTERCARE - It's a great idea to drink plenty of water after these calls to help with the physical release. Some people also enjoy baths. Baths with epsom salts are also good especially if you are feeling a little funky. Burning sage is also great if you feel heavy or feel like a lot of heavy emotion has been activated. Try not to drink any alcohol directly after the sessions. Ideally have a restful night or even go straight to sleep. Don't schedule anything for at least half an hour after the call as THE CIRCLE OF LIGHTS energy may still be working in your field even after we have hung up.

BE PREPARED TO CHANGE - After this work has been integrated you may notice you think and feel differently about things you thought were right before. Allow yourself to change. Don't feel like you have to keep going in the same direction because if you change now that means you were "wrong" before. Simply say that was right then and this feels right now. Your ever evolving being is guiding you a new direction that is in perfect alignment with your souls intention.


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