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What is the 5D Grid?
What do you need to "Get on it", and start experiencing life from it?
Moving from the singular, linear space/time egoic identity to a multi-dimensional, heart centered "All Consciousness" Creator.
This is where reality is headed.
Are you ready for it?

Thank you soooooo much! It was powerful! There is so much that I keep going back to again and again! 
L.S. Tuscon, AZ



  • Receive permanent access to Audio and Video of the classes 
  • Additional Bonus Material (See full class descriptions below)
  • Access to the privste Circle Evolution Facebook group where I will personally answer any questions on the material covered

"The Circle of Light is one of Love, Acceptance, Integration and Quantum. Their tools are among the most beneficent, effective and comprehensive I have found in all my searching within New Age communities and media ~ shining a light on the path forward for humanity into a much brighter future!
Deep bows to the Circle of Light and Georgia"

LakePen,  Texas




The power of Love and Acceptance to dissolve projection, resistance, polarity

Understanding reality as a “language of experience” created through biological centers

Being 3D Grid to 5D Grid “hybrids” that require a biological adaptation to experience the 5D Grid potentialities

Attunement - Dissolving mental, emotional and physical resistance to this adaptation.

Why insomnia happens as part of this process and what to do about it

Why falling asleep happens while listening to or reading channeled material

Setting up the earth as a “Stage” to play the game of life

The Grids that Create Creation

What is the 3D Grid Vs 5D Grid

3D Grid framework

5D Grid framework

Shifting the “show” from “Days of Our Lives” to “Matrix” without blowing up the actors, sets etc.

Anti-aging potentialities

Attunement - Reclaiming projections on Georgia and The Circle of Light, to dissolve the Illusion of Separation.

Downloading the entire “Moving On to the 5D Grid” program energetically and alignment with the Heart Blueprint


Love and Acceptance Exercise

Dissolving the 12 Viral Strains in Our Original Creative Design



Using suggested donations to stimulate beliefs structures and resistance to money.

How the Mind uses money as a “story of resistance” to keep you from moving to your next level of consciousness

Training the Nervous System “bouncer” to let in new consciousness

The significance of the nervous system in the biological adaptation to the 5D Grid

The importance of “pushing the edge” of your old framework to activate the nervous systems resistance in order to transcend the illusion

Feeling nervous system emotions as energy

The Pineal Gland as the multi-dimensional processor of the brain and its role in things such as telepathy, channeling, scanning the body for physical conditions

The difference between Human Perception and Dolphin Perception

Energetic ethnicity and the role of Starseeds to “hybrid consciousness” that has evolved in other planetary realms and dimensions to assist moving from 3D to 5D

Circle of Light Attunement - 5D chakra system, Heart Center Alignment and biological attunement for the nervous system.


Integrating the Primitive Mind Emotions - Written Exercise



The creativity of the 5D Grid.

How to use what is projected into external reality to “download” the intelligence of something you want to explore creatively.

Working with Resistance

Minds resistance to change

Understanding “Manifest” vs “Unmanifest”

Knowingness (when I arrive in a logical point or place in time and space with that thing be manifest)

The Importance of staying in the Now Moment as being the place where the potentialities of the 5D Grid will become Manifest

5D Grid potentialities - are they manifest or unmanifest? What are the “reasons”?

Personal and Collective energy/themes that creates resistance to things being manifest?

Bigger Collective themes behind Personal themes?

Why we gently dissolve major frameworks like the Illusion of Time and Space.

Circle of Light attunement - All Consciousness Clearing on the Illusion of Separation and the Illusion of Time and Space


Energize with Projections - Written exercise

All Consciousness Dissolving Of All Aspects Of The Illusion Of Separation.mp3



Purifying the energy from the old Planetary templates to feed the new 5D Grid

Repeating patterns - Why these occur as significators of “Threshold Resistance” NOT you making “mistakes”

Different levels of consciousness. Progressing from single linear identity through to the All Consciousness

Why “cracking “ of the ego is part of expansion in consciousness

Different significators of initiation in to the next level of consciousness

The Illusion Gets Stronger Before It Falls

Initiations are both personal and collective

Surrender to the Heart

Master Consciousness Creator Self - The intelligence behind all creation

Process - Surrendering the “Toys of the Mind” to the Master Consciousness

Figuring out the planetary templates in the “Themes of a Toy”

Circle of Light attunement - All Consciousness Clearing on the Theme of Struggle


Putting the Master Consciousness Creator In the Driver Seat MP3



Catastrophic feeling losses as part of the shift and activation of the nervous system

Releasing perfection, and the need for perfect emotional states

Releasing judgement and polarity

Harvesting the energy of the illusion, the 3D Grid, to build the 5D Grid

Infinity 8 Clearing 

Permission to Release to All Planetary Templates

Circle of Light Teaching and attunement - 3D Grid to 5D Grid DNA Activation


Permission to Release Planetary Templates at the Tiny Particulate Level MP3



Feedback on different aspects of the program

Working energetically with big stories like 5G, Vaccines, Geo Engineering, Coronavirus to transcend “the Illusion”

The Ego trap of Spiritual Perfection/Pride

Feeling into the energy of a story to find themes to clear.

Purification of all storylines through the Infinity 8 

Working from the All Consciousness


Releasing ideas of “personal perfection” to become “One with Everything” and build the power to influence bigger creations (not just your direct physical environment but all of creation)

Attractions to “Embodiments” of things you are wanting to develop, (skills, a needed future skill) to “download programs”.

Waiting for the ‘RIght On Right Now” feeling. A sign that an alignment is happening for something

Integration with an Embodiment - Reclaiming the energy of a “pedestalized” projection so you are “Embodying it” now, now, now.

Parallel Reality Hopping

Dissolving the resistance that is “the walls between” the reality you are in and the one you want to be in.

All Consciousness Clearing of Lack of Belief in Self or Lack of Belief in Abilities.

Circle of Light - 5D Frequencies download and Physical and Energetic Attunement for Visceral Integration of 5D Reality

Working with Relationships energetically


In the Heart Creating the New Cast of Characters for 5D Life MP3


Spending time with Georgia and the Circle of Light has been an absolute priority for me for some time now. Without exception I always feel that the conference calls and the Woo Woo Wednesdays sessions are speaking specifically to me.  I actually wonder if those of us listening  “hear” different things.  I feel deeply loved and supported by the Circle and have been able to speak of, share and express anything and everything with their immediate seeing and understanding.  What a gift of connection and communion this has been for me.  The tools that the Circle and Georgia share are practical and powerful.  They work.  Whether it’s to release old emotion and stories, to manifest or create  something new or  centre back into the heart out of an experience of suffering, specific guidance and relevant tools are available.

Georgia and the Circle are totally about self-empowerment and recognising our own sovereignty and divinity.  The breadth and depth of the teachings, information and meditations held in Georgia’s conference call library is extraordinary.  In addition, the help and support offered to humanity by the Circle of Light through Georgia is absolutely what we need right now.  There is no limit to the gratitude I feel for what I have received from Georgia and the Circle of Light.
Sarah Walters, Victoria, Australia

Thank you soooooo much! It was powerful! There is so much that I keep going back to again and again! 
L.S. Tuscon, AZ

In the summer of 2019, I started listening to Georgia Jean’s podcast, “Coming Out of the Cosmic Closet.” At first I was intrigued by the ‘origin story’ of her transformative adaptation to a new lifestyle that welcomed Extra-Dimensionals into conversations. I was also greatly impressed by her courageous vulnerability in sharing such powerful and practical information with others. NOT EASY!!!

I have since worked through “The Positivity Boot Camp,” the "5D Grid" class, as well as many recordings and private sessions; each, with profound energetics for solutions of many sorts. If one sincerely commits to this program, it is transformative. 

Under standard therapies, it takes massive courage and many sessions to untangle feelings and plow through underlying emotions. But the Circle of Light makes short business of emotional charges, bypassing any 3D mental gymnastics and moving effectively into integration. The equation can be simply applied to everyday life; a skillset of great value that is keeping me sane through all the intense challenges sweeping the earth plane these days.

The Circle of Light is one of Love, Acceptance, Integration and Quantum. Their tools are among the most beneficent, effective and comprehensive I have found in all my searching within New Age communities and media ~ shining a light on the path forward for humanity into a much brighter future!

Deep bows to the Circle of Light and Georgia,

LakePen,  Texas 

Georgia Jean and the Circle of Light have changed my perspective and healed my heart in so many drastic ways! I feel more connected and empowered, and am beyond grateful for the profound wisdom and possibilities offered!
Erin C Montana


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