![]() 90When in the presence of natural beauty there is no resistance, or denial, of its uplifting power, but often our relationship to our own personal sense of beauty is deeply wounded. On my life-changing journey to the Big Island, Hawaii, I came into a far deeper understanding of, what can be, one of the most troubling relationships our lives. Like many of the great forces of life, (love, creativity, sexuality), beauty can push up our most resistant, dense, polar-opposite "non-beautiful" feelings; feelings like shame, self-hatred, loneliness and unworthiness. When these feelings emerge in the face of great beauty we may be struggling with "Wounded Beauty Consciousness". What is Wounded Beauty Consciousness? Conflicting belief structures around the "value" and "meaning" of beauty create inner turmoil, suffering and pain. This ultimately results in a conflicted expression of beauty in our lives, both in our physical bodies, and our material experience, as well as our inner states of being. Wounded beauty consciousness can arise from: - Abuse: Mental, emotional, physical, sexual. - Heartbreak or relationship/sexual issues. - Physical injury or illness, disease, chronic physical conditions. - Working in an industry where beauty has a perceived financial value eg. entertainment, fashion, fitness. - Parental/peer/educational/cultural values sets that are in conflict with each other, and our sense of self. - Childhood shaming and dysfunction. Wounded beauty consciousness can manifest as: - Body dysmorphia - Eating disorders, obsessive diet and exercise - Obsessive perfectionism, OCD - Plastic surgery addiction/obsession - Feelings of unworthiness in love, or feelings of being unworthy of a quality partner - Physical illness or injury - Neglect of the needs of the physical body, including balance in diet, exercise and play - Low self-esteem, self hatred and shame - Self harming behavior - Addictions - Devaluing of self reflected in career choices, perceived options and limitations - Patterns of rejection - A life without beauty eg. drudgery, misery and matyrdom - Conflict between our internal and external selves eg. feeling "beautiful on the outside, ugly on the inside" and vice verse - Stagnation, fear of moving forward or expressing oneself What is Total Beauty Consciousness? Total Beauty Consciousness is a state that evolves when the internal conflict and reservoirs of "anti-beauty" feelings have been authentically dissolved. Since many of these belief structures and feelings are unpleasant, or even extremely painful, we try to keep them suppressed. These unintegrated aspects of ourselves therefore express through: - Our unconscious behaviour eg. attractions, compulsions, habits and patterns - Our physical reality, manifestation (or lack of) eg. home, work, relationships, environment, career and creativity - In the physical body itself eg. physical conditions, injuries, appearance. When these unconscious, unintegrated aspects are allowed to safely "come to the surface" and be accepted and integrated, the resulting unification brings profound and sometimes "miraculous" results. With the transmutation of the dense "anti-beauty" energy into the elevated states of love, joy, happiness and beauty, our "outer world" begins to reflect the unification of the "inner world". The changes can be seen in - Choices and behaviour that supports the soulful truth of our worthiness and deservedness of a beautiful life, inside AND out. - Positive changes in our environment: home, work, relationships - Healing of physical conditions - Looking AND feeling more beautiful - The world around you reflecting back to you both your inner and outer beauty. - A feeling of "Oneness with Beauty" and a release of the obsession with "getting and/or hanging on to it". - Unification with our creativity and purposeful existence in a state of aligned "beingness" - Inner peace, joy, happiness and beauty on a daily basis. - Beautiful manifestation. - A true and genuine appreciation and love for your physical body. Awaken Total Beauty Program This is a 12 week program through which we will explore, discover and dissolve the unsupportive belief structures, attached "meaning" and emotional reserviors that feed wounded beauty consciousness. It contains
You will leave this program with a whole new relationship to your inner self, your physical body and your life and effective tools to continue to awaken your beautiful Whole Soul Self power. $900 per month or $2400 for 3 months I'll be happy to answer any of your questions about the program and you will also learn one of our excellent tools for transformation. |