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Three month programs are the best way I can support you through an "arc of unfolding". This short term committment provides a safe crucible that allows the process of significant energetic unweaving and reweaving to take place. This is the best way for you to experience substantial and lasting results, while being mentored through the process.  You'll complete with program with a deeper understanding of the process and tools used, so you are empowered to continue working with them yourself.


Chronic Physical Conditions - This is a high intensity healing program designed to give you multiple healing opportunites each week. It provides emotional and mental support and accelerates the release of chronic physical conditions such as arthritis, IBS, fibromyalgia, cancer, sexual/gynaecological issues, back pain, chronic fatigue syndrome and allergies.

Paradigm Shift Program - Using the goal accelerating effectiveness of RAAR, intensively focus on one area of your life to kick start a change in the direction you want. Love, career, creativity, weight loss, entrepreneurialism. Get in alignment with your intentions and succeed.

Beyond the Wound - Focus on a specific pain or trauma that is controlling or defining your life in some way. Move past the suffering of this experience, and let go of unhelpful habits, patterns or coping mechanisms you may have developed to "get by" without really healing the issue. Discover new mental, emotional and physical freedom.

Awakening Masters Program - Are you drawn to bring about positive change in the world, but are simultaneously plagued by personal challenge and hardship? Chances are you are an Awakening Master. This is an intensive program for those that carry the Mastery templates. Carrying these templates requires that personal, planetary and universal healing work must be done in order to dissolve the deepest layers of density that create struggle and suffering. This journey can often be extremely challenging, but with the right tools becomes fabulously rewarding. 

Awaken Total Beauty Program - A focused program through which we will explore, discover and dissolve the unsupportive belief structures, attached "meaning" and emotional reserviors that feed "Wounded Beauty Consciousness." 

Extreme Sports Recovery - Are you an extreme sports person recovering from injury, event trauma (witnessing or being part of an incident including injury, life threatening circumstances or even a death)? Or do you have other related life imbalances such as addiction, anxiety, or mental, emotional or physical sabotaging. My understanding of the relationship between the nervous system and Primitive Mind survival behavior and how it relates to the body/mind can speed recovery and restore balance mentally, emotionally and in life.

All programs include:

4 one on one phone or skype sessions with Georgia and The Circle of Light 
In person sessions can be arranged for an additional room fee.

Subscription to Monday Night Awakening conference call program.
Like a gym membership you can call in for as many or as few as you like. Although it is recommended you take advantage of this, by attending as many of these as possible, you will still be included energetically for those you don’t. In these sessions we will deal with a lot of the "big-themed" material that are part of the planetary templates. This leaves one-on-one sessions available for more specifc focused work.

Inclusion in the Circular Healing Program
What this means is that whenever I am working on a client with resonating issues you will also receive healing transmissions. This multiplies your healings exponentially.

Subscription to the Downloadable Recordings Library
Taken from our conference call program over the last 8 years, this is a veritable treasure trove of vibrationally laden recordings on every subject imaginable. Not only can you listen to them directly through your computer, you can also download and save as many as you like for later use, even when you are no longer subscribed. Make sure you take advantage of this valuable resource.

Downloadable copy of “The Circle of Light and the Philosopher – Another Magnificent Day – Keys for Unlocking the Soul’s Potential”
This will give you a lot of the “theory” behind the work we do.

Lifetime Access to our private Facebook Group
where I provide continued mentorship on the principles of healing we work with.

Personalized Mentorship Page 
Your private page where you can access all your program information and self-assessment so you can track your own progress with the work.


Pay monthy - $700 a month


Full 3 months - $1800 for 3 months (over 50% discount on total program value)

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