Awakening into your full awesome, soul-centered Mastery, is a lot like brushing your teeth.
Small regular actions are going to be be far more effective in keeping you "plaque free" (resistance free), and "fresh breathed" (high vibration), than one massive trip to the dentist every 10 years.
Doing meditations, or our core "Love and Acceptance" exercise (a key part of the Authentic Positivity System - get the free e-book here), on a daily basis is going to be cumulatively far more powerful than having a "one shot, silver bullet, spiritual Awakening" with a Master teacher, guru or higher consciousness (even the Circle of Light).
There are a number of reasons why smaller/regular alignments are "safer", and more powerful, than "one big silver bullet" experience, to bring you into an Awakened state!
And manifesting from your limitless core power.
Read the full blog to find out why.