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Saturday, February 08 2014

I am spell bound, saturated, soaked and smothered in Hawaii's beauty and I can not get enough of it.

In my journey's I have been to many gorgeous places but I can honestly say that I never knew beauty could actually be THIS beautiful. What a revelation this trip has been.

For many years myself, and my dear members of the Circle Evolution Energy Network, have been processing some pretty heavy planetary templates as part of our Mastery Awakening process.

This has meant that we have come into deep relationship with many of the "negative" elements of living on earth, transmuting the energy of suffering, pain, shame, and the intense Primitive emotions.

The only way through these "Veils of Illusion" is, well, through them, and so we have tasted our fair share of this denser energy in order to come into "God consciousness".

What God Consciousness simply means is an acceptance that, as aspects of Source, we are in fact Source itself. Therefore, we are the creators of EVERYTHING in, not only our own personal experience, but in all experience.

That means everything that ever has, is and ever will be has been created by us.

As we work to create a new planetary Paradigm, we are in the process of reclaiming all the energy of everything that has ever been created in order to architect a new experience with it.

You can read more about that concept here.

This is like a sort of energy reconciliation, as we realize that our problems, issues and struggles, are not only our own, but are also representative or archetypal of all the suffering on the planet.

When you work with tools that work on a "God Consciousness" level, rather than simply a personal level, the shift in energy with our most difficult issues, eg. chronic physical conditions, majors blockages to prosperity and love happens MUCH, MUCH FASTER!!!

The other wonderful part is that transmuting energy on a God Consciousness level means massive amounts of energy are released back into your system so you manifest on a whole new level.

As each day passes here, and I am spellbound over and over again by the beauty, truly God/Goddesses creation at it's most Divine, I feel a tremendous balancing in energy.

For so many years, as we have prepared for this Shift, we have been locked in focus on alchemizing the density of the planet.

Now I see clearly it is time to "reclaim" and reintegrate fully with the planet's beauty, and therefore, the beauty that we are.

The beauty of our Divine Selves. 

The Master pathway, the pathway of many of my clients, is not always an easy one, but in truly viscerally connecting with the energy of this planet in its most exalted state, I can honestly say I feel truly "rewarded" at this time.

I have sat in several powerful energy vortexes and "unified" with the islands energy. With these new frequencies of energy coming in I feel so many more dimensions and flavors coming into the work with The Circle of Light.

This process of revelation we have been on asks us now to truly become one with our beauty, our glorious nature, our inspirational and awe-inspiring grace.

Are you ready to come into connection with yours?

Are you ready to exist in the space of the beauty that you truly are?

PS. Please forward to anyone you feel may benefit from this information.

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Posted by: Georgia AT 07:34 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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