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Monday, May 02 2016

Hi there,

Since the Law of Attraction, positive thinking and "The Secret" are all such popular aspects of the self help / manifestation / quantum reality / spiritual consciousness movement, I wanted to take a moment to explain the vital DIFFERENCES between "Authentic Positivity" and "Suppressive Positivity".

Failing to understand the difference is the biggest "downfall" I see in all the wonderful, lovely, "positive", "spiritual" clients that come to me, who are already using those concepts and techniques.

It's the source of all the major issues and blockages that create so much unhappiness, suffering and struggle in their lives.

And it's so easy to rectify once you know how.

So please take a look at the following descriptions, and see which list resonates with you the most.

Suppressive Positivity people can be very nice, positive, spiritual and happy appearing BUT

  • Can have chronic health issues
  • Bad luck
  • Blockages in money and love
  • Manifest with mixed results and limited by unsupportive beliefs
  • Struggle
  • Can be easily triggered
  • Struggle with guilty feelings, feeling they are not doing, being or having enough
  • Can feel quashed, hard done by or even cursed
  • Experience drama
  • Don’t receive the rewards their hard work and efforts should deserve
  • Get side swiped with problems
  • Law of Attraction seems to work sometimes on little things, but the big things in life they want remain elusive, or even worse, disastrous, creating massive amounts of frustration and uncertainty.
  • Struggle with depression, anxiety, addiction or self harming behavior

Authentic Positivity people  

  • Have no “buts” about the things they want because they are 100% energetically in alignment with their desires
  • Harness the greater forces of life, and are supported by luck, synchronicities, good timing, happy coincidences.
  • Experience greater flow, and when things aren’t flowing, know how to get them flowing again.
  • Seem to breeze along, EVEN when it doesn’t look like they are doing things right, correctly or perfectly
  • Get clear and positive results on the actions they do take and experience less resistance overall
  • Have no, or fewer health, money or love issues
  • Are naturally more attractive, charismatic and magnetic, even if they are not perfect looking, or seemingly high status.
  • Are comfortable with themselves, whether they are being “positive” or not.
  • Manifest on a much bigger, non linear, soul level way.

If you recognize more of yourself in the first list, make sure you take the time to read my free The Authentic Positivity System Report.

Inside you'll learn the 5 Simple Steps that will shift you quickly into living, loving, creating and generating like the folks in the second list.

Plus you'll know how to consciously activate the Power of Authentic Positivity, so you can harness it at any time to 

  • Heal, revitalize and rejuvenate the body
  • Overcome any blockages in creativity, love and money
  • Liberate you from painful, stifling, boring and unhappy circumstances.
  • Transcend all previous limitations on what life has looked like for you, so you can discover how much more fantastic, exciting stuff there is to experience. AND START EXPERIENCING IT!


  • Turn any perceived obstacle, challenge or negative state into a rapid acceleration of positive energy. 

And please don't be disheartened if you're in the "Suppressive Positivity" camp right now.

Suppressive positivity people have just as much, if not MORE, energy, to manifest as well as authentic positivity people.

It’s just your energy is not currently organized in the most supportive fashion.


With a few tweaks you'll be amazed at how rapidly your creative experience elevates, and how much fun this "Game of Life" can be.

But you need those 5 Simple Step to harness that power.

Check out the 

The Authentic Positivity System Report

With over 10 years of assisting clients overcome chronic physical conditions, blockages in creativity, love and prosperity and guiding them through major positive life changes and expansion, the information contained in this free 42 page e-book should not be missed.

(You can read my testimonials here)

The Tools and information you will receive have been successfully used 1000's of times to turn major struggle into joyful creative empowerment.

Peace and Blessings,

Georgia and The Circle of Light

PS. Would you like to receive our messages delivered to your inbox. Please join our mailing list here.

PPS. The featured photo is of wonderful, solopreneur Melissa Rutigliano creator of The Mars Lab - A Bad Ass Boutique for Dreamers with an Edge!! and my co-host our podcast "Coming Out of the Cosmic Closet". Check out all the greatness she's creating and generating!


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Posted by: Georgia AT 06:18 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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