MESSAGES Wednesday, April 23 2008
When you realize what a truly amazing, far reaching, ever expanding energy you really are it will become easier and easier for you to understand the enormous resources of your own being as you exist here in this earth plane dimension. For too long you have imagined that the entirety of you beingness is that which you know to exist as the personality construct you currently experience yourself to be. In reality you are far, far, far more than that and you have so much more to draw on than the logic and intelligence of your mind when you are confronted with challenges, tasks, projects, goals and dreams. In proportion to your mind your spiritual entity is as large as all the oceans of the world compared to one drop of water. In this newsletter we wish to offer you some easy tips on how to access more of your true essence as a spiritual being in this lifetime experience.
One of the most powerful ways to access your greater "intelligence" or "consciousness" is to utilize the periods of sleep you regularly participate in. In truth there is no real physical reason why the body requires sleep although it is a commonly held belief that it is an absolute requirement for healthy existence on this planet. The purpose of sleep in a spiritual sense is to actually provide the complete reprise from the resistant state of existence as you experience it here in your earth plane dimension and to access the resources of unlimited knowledge, power, fluidity and oneness that exist in the higher dimensional realms. Because the frequencies of information in the upper realms are moving at a much higher rate than the conscious "egoic" mind can process it is important for the state of human evolution on both a collective and individual level to have some kind of portal into the unlimited resources of these upper dimensions. For mans consciousness to grow it must be being "feed" from some place just a little out of the reach of the "egoic" mind and so the role of sleep it to provide a necessary "feeding ground" for the birth of new ideas, ways of seeing, experiencing and being.
As your awareness of this concept grows you can truly take advantage of the marvelous resources available to you as you sleep, for with focused intention, just as you would deliberately create an experience in your physical world you can create experiences in your "non-physical" sleep state world and since during this time you actually release the resistance of the constraints of your physical experience you can manifest results much faster than in your waking life.
So each night, plan your sleep "day" much as you would plan your waking day. Write a list of things you would like to achieve or accomplish as you sleep and ask for this work to seep into your "egoic" consciousess where it may be integrated as knowledge, inspiration, improved relationships, creative energy or vital movement.
Here is a list of suggestions for things you might wish to "do" while you sleep.
- IMPROVE RELATIONSHIPS - While you sleep it is possible to access the higher self or expanded consciousness of any person you know. If you are experiencing conflict, confusion or difficulties with any person ask that your soul connect with theirs as you sleep to begin the process of resolution, higher understanding or gentle release between the two of you. Ask that through this connection you awaken with a greater understanding or implicit knowingness of how to interact with this person during your next experience with one another. Ask that your being deeply integrate any lessons, wisdom or growth you are experiencing through such interactions so that you can move on quickly from any "soul task" aspects of your relationship into a clearer space with one another.
- STUDY WITH THE MASTERS - When you sleep your soul has open access to the great resources of all the non-physical masters, angels, archangels, healing energies and creative energies. Whatever area of your life you are wishing to gain more success in there is an enormous font of information, creative inspiration and unbridled innovation. As you connect to the energy of this information it becomes imprinted in the resonance of your field which, in time will attract further physical manifestations of it here in the earth plane dimension. Meaning, not only will you awaken with an expanded understanding of what you are attempting but also you will attract the right books, resources and teachers that you are needing who can further impress this information upon you. - ACCESS YOUR OWN ACCRUED WISDOM - Through the sleep state you are also able to access the wisdom, experience and resonances accrued throughout all your past, future and present concurrent lives. In these lives you have developed skills, talents and abilities that can be brought into your current life experience by asking to visit with successful aspects of your self in a relevant area. Not only do you have access to the information of all your lifetimes you also have access to your reservoir of higher dimensional energy. By inviting the best frequencies of all your potential for a particular situation, relationship or undertaking you can tap into a huge resource of implicit understanding and automatic behavior that will shift outcomes and create the best possible personal resonance to attract the experiences that you want in this life. So for example, if you feel you are not good at manifesting abundance, your being has experienced lifetimes of prosperity that await as a much larger memory bank than the imprinting of a childhood that was lack orientated. Ask to visit or connect with the aspects of your spiritual being that is aligned with abundance and bring that resonance into your consciousness. Over time you will notice a gentle shifting of attitude, energy or focus that will become more and more in alignment with creating abundance.
Have fun with this experience almost as if each night you are visiting an enormous DVD collection of recorded experiences. You have the ability to access the wisdom and understanding of any type of character you wish to play in this lifetime. Remember that this lifetime is a game that your character wishes to play. You are already experiencing all kinds of different experiences on a soul level so really cherish and revel in the experience you are having now. It is valuable and precious and a delight for your soul to expand through. Remember that this life is a game and when your experiences begin to feel tough or difficult don't crumble under the pressure, just decide to become a better player.
Blessings and Peace dear ones and please remember to come and visit us, THE CIRCLE OF LIGHT, as you sleep. Comments: