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Saturday, September 10 2016

Hello Awakened One,

If you've noticed, lately I'm on a bit of a frenzy, offering free Monday Night Awakening conference calls.

It's because the information and attunements we have been receiving, from The Circle of Light, about getting on "The New Consciousness Energy Grid", has been probably the most exciting and encouraging material we've had in the 12 years I've been doing this work.

(Apparently the recording link I sent out for the last one was defunct so here it is again).

To basically sum up what is happening, we've reached a major tipping point in building the New Energy Grid that is going to support the New Consciousness experience we've been working towards for YEARS.

The "energy grid", is like a vibrational field that supports the kind of "stories" we, as creative beings, want to explore on this planet.

It's what energetically set the stage for the theatre of our lives, and the old themes we wanted to experiment with e.g. war, poverty, polarity, linear "Primitive Mind" driven consciousness etc etc.

In order for us to explore new experiences, such as our multi-dimensional capabilities, interconnectivity, transcending former limitations on our physical capacities, unconditional "Divine" love, we have to completely "reset the stage", new "lights", new "special effects", new "set dressings".

The energy grid, therefore creates the "atmosphere" of our world.

Now, due to all the work people all over the planet have been doing recycling and purifying the energy of the "Old Paradigm" experience), this "New Consciousness Energy Grid" is now strong enough for us to massively upload onto to.

Our New Consciousness Theatre is ready!!!

It's time to completely "pull out" of the Old Energy Grid and "power up" the new one.

The more energy we pump into it, the stronger it will become, which will trigger the mass shift in consciousness we've been waiting for.

Again, our last recording will take you through that process. 

What does this have to do with Chronic Physical Conditions?

No one can ignore the MASSIVE explosion of chronic physical conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, cancer, chronic fatigue, hormonal imbalance, thyroid issues etc etc. that has swept the planet.

From our work, specializing in healing CPC's, it's been clear that they are a very BIG part of many people's AWAKENING, and contribution to dissolving the Old Grid Planetary Templates.

For most people who come to us, the chronic physical condition is actually the just motivator to get them to come to The Circle of Light, so the REAL WORK, of their soul consciousness' intention to uplift the planet, can happen.

Once this is understood and accepted, chronic physical conditions can heal quite rapidly, especially when Tools that dissolve the Planetary Templates, that have been stored in the most fundamental building blocks of our bodies, (cells, DNA, molecular, atomic, sub-atomic and beyond), are cleared.

(Because, again, CPC's are just the motivator and NOT the end game.)

Our cellular programming defines exactly what it is to be a human, to have a human body, and therefore hold human consciousness, so in many ways it mirrors the Planetary Energy Grid itself.

The implications of "uploading onto" the New Energy Grid for CPC's.

Because the bigger energetic purpose of CPC's has been to Awaken so many people (especially Light workers, Planetary Healers, Awakening Masters, Star Seeds etc etc), as we now rapidly move on to the New Consciousness Energy Grid, we no longer need CPC's as the motivators to do this work.

This means


I predict that as more people "pull out" of the old grid and consciously "upload" onto the New Grid, we are going to see a massive reduction in CPC's because it's just not part of the New Grid story.

What does this have to do with Epstein-Barr Virus and you?

Epstein-Barr is widespread virus estimated to be in the bodies of up to 90% of people over 40 in America alone.

Both Western and alternative medicine are discovering strong correlations between it and MANY of the CPC's that are plaguing us collectively.

It also produces many false diagnosis' prolonging the emotional charge, pain and frustration that comes with CPC's, as treatments continue to "fail".

Please read this thorough article about the effects of Epstein-Barr Virus by well known medical medium Anthony William for and it's extensive list of CPC's it's connected too.

Although this information has been around for a while, and its come up now and then with clients, since this major Grid information has been coming through, Epstein-Barr Virus has ROARED into my awareness.

Which means it has a lot of "charge".

Which means IT'S TIME to work on clearing this MAJOR Planetary Template.

As a collective we are moving past the need for this experience to Awaken us.

It's soooooooooo Old Grid.

And we are ready to 100% "pull off" the Old Grid.

The New Grid is not a place where we need the triggering effects of CPC's.

Clearing the Epstein-Barr Virus planetary template, is as close to what I can see to be a "silver bullet", for MASSIVE physical collective healing worldwide.

Even though this might "put me out of business", for this specialty area we've been working with, I literally could not be more excited about the massive healing that is now possible.

My goodness, I know everyone who has been working hard to heal their CPC's deserves it.

And the incredible surge of expansive, creative energy that happens when a major planetary template is cleared is full of exciting new possibilities for us.

As all the energy, that's been locked up in it on the Old Grid, will now be used to "power up" and strengthen the New Grid, so it can hold even more people on it.

If you are reading this message, and you have, or are effected by someone who has a CPC, like fibromyalgia, thyroid issues, cancer, arthritis, hormonal imbalance, dizziness, or any of the other manifestations cited by Anthony Williams in this article, it's time to join forces and melt this template away.

When we gather together, we have the power to make a huge impact on these Templates, as each of us carries a piece of it within us.

When we heal our bodies we heal the planet.

The more of us who intentionally move onto the New Consciousness Grid, the faster we can energetically entrain the rest of the world to follow. 

Together we RISE!

Peace and Blessings,


PS. When something comes powerfully into my awareness I know it's time to work on that Planetary Template.

What themes, circumstances and "stories" have the most charge for you? 

Over the coming months we want to clear these big templates and keep powering up the New Grid.

Please email me and tell me if there is something you feel we should bring energetic focus too, then join my mailing list to receive updates for other free conference call opportunities.

The time for radical shifts on a big scale is now.

PPS. If someone has forwarded you this message and you would like to receive my emails directly please join my mailing list here. There is no cost to receive this information and many benefits in connecting.

Posted by: Georgia AT 12:52 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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