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Saturday, October 05 2019
"Hey there Georgia"

I hear you say

"Isn't this supposed to be a 'spiritual' blog? 

Why is there a photo of a men, carrying on like a bunch of pork chops, at the top of it?"

Ok, if you are anywhere outside of Australia, you probably didn't think "carrying on like a bunch of porks chops", because that's pretty much a classic colloquialism where I grew up.

But, you might still be wondering what this photo has to do with the advancement of your consciousness.

Well, alongside the phrase, "carrying on like a bunch of pork chops", the other thing I grew up with is this Australian Rules Football team.

Their name is the Richmond Tigers.

And on Saturday 28, 2019, they defied some insane odds, overcoming terrible injuries, to a huge number of their star players, at the beginning of the season, to come through and win an astonishing victory in the Grand Final.

And become the 2019 Premiers.

In fact it was their Biggest Grand Final Win Ever!

But what you probably don't realize, is that this picture is also kind of like a living crystal, full of amazing frequencies. 

And not just the obvious joy, and exaltation of winning against all odds. 

There's another very special ingredient in this vibrational mix, that makes it extra magic.

But, let me back it up a bit.

In 2017, I happened to be back in Australia, for the beginning of the AFL season, for the first time since I left in 1994. 

And, I had the first opportunity since then, to watch a huge number of games with my dad, which was a very special bond we shared.

While I was watching these games I started feeling the big energy pulls I get when something "cosmic" is happening. 

At that time, I was also discovering some of the powerful new "Bend the Matrix" multi-dimensional tools, that were becoming available to us, now we're moving on to the 5D Grid.

Now as a child, the Richmond Tigers were a pretty legendary team, winning many premierships. 

But after losing in the 1982 Grand Final, something happened. Their spirits were crushed, and it had been 35 years since they had even made it to the Grand Finals.

Having watched my dad's spirits rise and fall with the outcomes of the games, I decided that I would test the new Tools I had received, to see if I could "land in the correct parallel reality", where the Tigers would be Premiers once again.

I got a subscription, and for the whole year, no matter where I was, Melbourne, Perth, Hawai'i, New York, I watched the team and "worked the energy" until I was in total knowingness that the Tigers would win the Grand Final.

Here's a Facebook post I made July 1, 2017, when I was in "knowingness" of their victory.

On September 30, 2017 - so they did.

Coming from 8th in the ladder, the hardest spot to make it, they clawed their way to victory.

WInning the first AFL Grand Final for 37 years.

(Watch this video to learn more about "Bending the Matrix")

And I have to say, watching the season, and watching this team play, brought me a massive amount of joy. 

No matter how I was feeling, whenever I watched the games, I would be full of happiness.

I could literally feel my heart chakra opening.

And, of course, it was very special to watch many of those games with my dad. 


And why I am telling you, this photo is like a living crystal.

Because several months after the Tigers won the Grand Final in 2017, I read a biography that covered that year, called "Yellow and Black - A Season With Richmond".

And I was ah-mazed to discover that that year, the football club had gone through a MASSIVE Paradigm Shift in Consciousness.

The team leadership, captain, coaches etc, had decided to completely change their approach by becoming totally ego-less ("me first"-less), and fully seated in unity and love, not just between the team members, but with everyone who was part of the organization. 

They began going to Mindfulness coaching, practicing meditation, and even doing visualization using the "White Light" that united them as a force.

YES! That's right!

They had become a totally "NEW AGE" Football club. 

OF COURSE in my ideal "parallel reality", my team would not only win the Grand Final, they would be a new benchmark in positive masculinity, one that embraced noble traits like courage and service, but also embraced emotional vulnerability, as a key to their inner strength.

And, every time they played, they ran on to the field, seated in that powerful force of love, vibing that out to the 100,000's of people who watch the game every week. 

The football club's membership rocketed to over 100,000 fans, no doubt drawn, not just by the winning, but by those love vibes.

It's very easy for the Mind to say what a spiritual teacher should "look like", but as we experience this shift in consciousness, it isn't about the "look" but the frequency that emanates from all of us.

This is what I was feeling, when I watch that first game, and felt that "cosmic pull". 

Some of their most unlikely "badass" tatted players, had the most massive energy fields.

Like this guy. Dustin Martin.

As I found out later, he's a huge practitioner of meditation and mindfulness, who began speaking publicly about the importance of his spiritual path.

And, I am well aware that this team, and what they do, will probably directly reach far more people, than I ever will.

As role models, they speak publicly about the benefits of meditation, mindfulness, and unity consciousness, playing for each other, not just for themselves. 

And they are the most ethnically, and spiritually diverse team, in the league, supporting numerous inclusivity and "higher consciousness" programs.

In 2018, when Trent Cotchin, won the AFL "Best Captain" award, he spoke about what the "Power of Love" had accomplished. 

Courageous words in the macho arena of sport, in a country that has traditionally repressed people, especially men, from verbally expressing love freely.

So this year, 2019, the AFL season started the day after my father died.

It began terribly with a a major star player, experiencing a season ending injury, and while I went through the worst of my grief, they continued to face major injury setback after setback.

But somehow, through staying centered in that love and unity, the Tigers came back mid way through the season, and on a day, that fell on my ACTUAL birthday this year (September 28), they won the Grand Final again.

They became AFL Premiers for 2019.

As part of my process of healing, I watched every game again this year "with dad", and his energy was with me on this special day.

If you've listened to Episode 6 of my podcast, "Coming Out of the Cosmic Closet", you'll know that he never believed in my work.

But now he has crossed over, I know he totally gets it.

At the beginning of the Grand Final game, I started working some of my energy Tools, and his spirit came to me clearly and said:

"Relax, Porgs. They're going to win. You don't have to do any more magic. Just sit back and enjoy the game."

And so I did!


So even if you don't quite believe me, look at this picture, soften your body and allow yourself to receive "The Power of Love" that's embodied in it.

In old school spirituality, Gurus transmitted their activating higher frequencies, through images their followers meditated on.

In New School 5D spirituality, we ALL have the power of this embodiment. 

The Guru is no longer on the pedestal.


LOVE WINS every single time!



LEARN TO "BEND THE MATRIX" (The Circle of Light and I can help you with that)



Peace and Joy,

Georgia and The Circle of Light
(323) 243 6323

PS. Even thought I did need assurance from dad, it was okay to "cease and desist" my "Matrix Bending Magic" I did predict the Tigers would also win in 2019, and by the biggest margin ever. Here's a text I sent my brother right before the Grand Final.

But C'mon, there's still the nervous excitement of the big game, or none of this Matrix Bending stuff would be fun.

PPS. If someone has forwarded you this email and you would like to receive my emails directly please join my mailing list here. There is no cost to receive this information and many benefits in connecting.

PPPS. Thanks to everyone who has listened to my new podcast "Coming Out of the Cosmic Closet". In this birthday/victory week we doubled our downloads, and feel excited about continuing to produce the show.

Learn all about the show here, and please pass it on to your friends.



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