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Tuesday, February 19 2013
How To Comprehensively Heal Your Chronic Physical Condition
Hi there,

I hope you have been finding these messages regarding chronic physical conditions useful and informative.

By coming into conscious awareness of the underlying causes of chronic conditions you actually free your system to start bringing them up from their unconscious place. 

This is the first, and most vital step in healing.

There are 3 very important components to the complex energy of chronic physical conditions

1. Personal - This is everything to do with you now. 
How it is manifesting on a physical level, as well as your mental and emotional states about it. It also includes how it might be affecting other areas of your life such as finances, day to day functioning, or relationships.

2. Past/future life energy
This is the energy that is influential from your cumulative past and future life "memory". "Memory" being frozen energy from many lives clustered around certain themes such as shame, self hatred, punishment or even war.

3. Planetary healing
These are the packages of energy you brought in with you to contribute to planetary healing. The clearing of survival programming or genetic and hereditary cellular clearing being examples of this.

Due to this this time of planetary awakening, many people are carrying energy to assist in the collective healing of the planet. This is the real reason behind the pandemic of chronic conditions like allergies, fibromyalgia, cancer, yeast, etc etc.


You have to work with tools that work on this level for true lasting benefits.

While single session ("miraculous") physical healings are possible in some cases, chronic conditions tend to require a greater level commitment to dissolving the levels AND ultimately discovering the fabulous gifts the experience holds for you.

A chronic condition, such as severe back ache, arthritis or cancer, generally requires a process, with the next layer of clearing revealing itself through its unfolding.


This is why consistent, regularly spaced healings, for a period of time, is the best strategy for lasting healing.

The creation of our Monday Night Awakening Conference call program was the answer to having an extremely affordable way for my clients to connect with the healing energy of the Circle of Light on a weekly basis, whatever city they are in, from the comfort of their home.

The work done in these calls deal with many of the major past/future life aspects and planetary clearing.

In this way one-on-one sessions can focus specifically on the personal journey, including dealing with the fear, frustration and anxiety about the day to day experience.

Releasing resistance to the experience itself, and learning an arsenal of tools that you can use yourself, are significant benefits of these personal counseling and healing sessions.

My free report The Authentic Positivity System - 5 Steps to Overcome Any Obstacle and Start Manifesting from Your Limitless Core Power has extensive information on how to Release Resistance and start healing your body using energy liberated from a "suppressive" Body/Mind system. This is essential reading if you are struggling with a chronic physical condition.

You can get it by clicking here.


Because I understand the profound financial impact a chronic condition can have  I created this very special program, that combines the conference call program and regular one-on-one session at an extremely affordable price.

I am committed to my clients who are committed to their awakening through the journey of their chronic, physical condition.

"I've had chronic digestive problems for most of my life and after having a highly stressful year it flared up more often than usual. My sessions with Georgia have helped my stress level become more manageable and since beginning 4 months ago I haven't had a problem.
It's not always easy as she helps bring to the surface the emotional blocks that contribute to my chronic issues, but its worth it and I look forward to my private sessions each week and the jolt of positive energy it gives me.
I would recommend the chronic physical condition program to anyone struggling with a physical ailment that is getting in the way of your daily life. Don't just treat your symptoms, deal with the cause. Connect your energy to The Circle of Light."

K. O'Byrne, Vancouver - Chronic Physical Conditions Program

Because this program is intensive, and I offer caring, personalized service, that accommodates your schedule, I only work with a maximum of 3 people at a time.

I also speak to all interested participants to make sure they truly resonate with the program, and are in the greatest need for this ongoing support. 

If you have been struggling with a chronic physical condition, or someone you love is, please apply for a free 45 minute consultation or message us through this contact form. 

If I can't accommodate you immediately I will put you on the wait list for the next available position in the program.

The sooner you reach out, the faster we can bring relief to your life.


Please be aware that the Chronic Physical Conditions Program may also cause these possible "side affects" as the techniques we use work "systemically" (throughout the Mind/Body system)

- Increased flow in Prosperity
- New and improved relationships
- Authentic positivity, joy and happiness
- Positive life changes
- Greater connection to self and others
- Awakening or deepening of creative and spiritual gifts
- Release of anxiety, stress and depression
- Release of addictions
- Increased energy, vitality and rejuvenation
- Attainment of other personal goals and dreams

Many people find relief from their conditions within the first 1 - 3 months of this program but stay on to experience the many other "side effects" of working regularly with The Circle of Light

"Working with Georgia and the Circle of Light is a true blessing. I had been challenged with back pain for over a year before I began working with them. I had been to see a chiropractor, an acupuncturist, had several massages and did yoga every day. Although I would feel temporary relief from the other modalities, it was only when I began to work with Georgia and the Circle of Light that my back fully healed. I know that it is due to the deep work in consciousness along with the high vibrational frequency of the Circle that contributed to this healing experience. Over the 3 month period, I felt the pain subside and finally go along with a lot of emotional baggage and old beliefs that served me no longer. It was such a gift, that I decided to keep working with them just to stay in the energy. Their collective wisdom and loving is truly miraculous!"

S. Teiger, Los Angeles - Chronic Physical Conditions program

It's time for you to enjoy the joy of absolute well being in the body, mind and soul.

Contact me now and let's get started.

Peace and Blessings,

PS. Please feel free to forward this message on to anyone you feel might benefit from this program.

PPS. If someone has forwarded this message to you, and you would like to receive our messages directly, please join my email list. Through this portal I am able to share much of the beneficial wisdom I have gained through my connection to the Circle of Light. It costs nothing to join and there is much to be gained.

Posted by: Georgia AT 09:07 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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